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Fall Screenings for SSA Members - Wednesday | Feb. 15 | 30-minute sessions
Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT
Category: Events

Fall Screenings for SSA Members - Wednesday | Feb. 15 | 30-minute sessions available between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. | via Zoom

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1 out of 4 people 65 years and older fall each year. It is recommended that adults 65 years and older be screened for fall risk annually. Individual virtual fall risk screenings are being provided by a physical therapist at Sibley via Zoom on Wednesday, date to be determined.

SSA Members are invited to sign up for a half hour session in the comfort of your own home for a fall screening. You will need a smart phone, computer, or laptop, reliable internet connection, a standard height chair, and a tape measure to participate. Be prepared to walk around your home with your electronic device so the physical therapist can view the path you take throughout your home during the day. Another person can be present to assist if your balance is not very steady.  There will be time to ask the physical therapist questions at the end of your screening.  

When you log on to the virtual screening, please be sure you are sitting on a chair that is stable. No swivel chairs on wheels, please

This fall screen will determine your risk level for falls after a few standardized tests, and recommendations will be given based on your results. A member of the SSA may be following up with you after your screening.   We will be able to accommodate the first six people who register.

Wednesday | Feb. 15 | 30-minute sessions available between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. | via Zoom

Register at, or email [email protected], or call 202-364-7602 at your earliest convenience.


Contact:, or email [email protected], or call 202-364-7602